Episode 18: A Body in the Void

In this episode we discuss one of Alex’s story ideas, A Body in the Void, a science fiction detective story.

Content warnings for strong language, and discussions of violence and murder.

In this episode we discuss and/or spoil: Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Mur Lafferty’s Six Wakes, Treasure Planet, Firefly, Star Wars, Doyle and Macdonald’s The Mageworlds series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Cowboy Bebop, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo, the Black Mirror episode “Crocodile“, J.K. Rowling’s The Prisoner of Azkaban, Dorothy Sayers’ Peter Wimsey novels (particularly Murder Must Advertise and Gaudy Night), Baroness Orczy’s The Scarlet Pimpernel, Jessica Jones, and Doctor Who.

You can find the transcript on nostoryissacred.com