Episode 91: Wing Commander (1999)

In this episode we discuss the 1999 film Wing Commander. You can watch it on YouTube, Apple TV, or Amazon Prime

Content warnings for strong language, discussions of women killed to promote a man’s story, misogyny and “future” racism in the text, sex jokes, several minutes’ worth of trying to remember New Hampshire movie theatres from the 90s, bad French accents, and terrible Reformation jokes

We reference or spoil: Wing Commander video game, Rent, Tick, Tick… Boom!, NSIS Ep 90: “Writ of Attachment”, The Matrix, Mortal Kombat, Top Gun, Hunt for Red October, Gattaca, Galaxy Quest, Star Citizen, Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Star Wars cinematic universe, Mitchell and WebbAre We the Baddies?“, Star Trek Comedy Album, Wellerman shanty, The Iliad and The Odyssey, Starship Troopers, The Mitchells vs The Machines, Hercule Poirot television series, She’s All That, Down Periscope, Doyle and Macdonald Mageworlds universe, NSIS Ep: 70: “Shenangineers to the Rescue”, Hot Shots!, The Princess Bride, Loki television series, Dark City, Lord of the Rings, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, NSIS Ep: 03 “Macbeth”, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Hackers, Up, and Hot Fuzz

Also check out Kat’s The Minor Hours and Small Thoughts Magazine and Bren’s Select Start improv shows benefiting Arcade Comedy Theater. Kat also has a new short story in Apex Magazine, “DEMON FIGHTER SUCKS”.

Don’t forget to rate and review us on iTunes, and, if you’re so inclined, contribute to our Patreon.  

The transcript will be available soon on nostoryissacred.com.